31. Lazareth

The Spirits Are Whom They Represent Themselves To Be

.   I am here, Lazarus;
    I merely want to say that I am the real Lazarus of the Bible story, and that I am an inhabitant of the Father's kingdom and am in the truth that exists in that kingdom and in its inhabitants. 
    I declare to you that the spirits who have written you are actually whom they represent themselves to be. Jesus especially is with you very often. He is so much interested in the work to be done, and the revelations to be made, that he is with you so very often for the purpose not only of revealing these truths, but of preparing you to receive them; and he is enveloping you in his love and giving to you a development of your soul faculties that will make you qualified to receive these high truths as no mortal has ever been qualified, for he knows that you are his best qualified instrument now on earth to do his work and the work of the Father.
    From what I say you must not suppose that you are the best, or the man having the greatest amount of the divine love in your soul, for that is not true. Nor are you chosen because of any merits of your own or superior mental endowment. But you have those qualifications of attunement with him and the other spirits to use you in performing this work.
    I am not of such exalted position or soul development as are many of the spirits who write you, yet I know the plans of the Master, and what I say to you is true.
    I was a Jew, and an orthodox one, until the Master came to me and I developed my soul so that I could understand his teachings and become susceptible to the inflowing of the divine love.
    I will not write more now, but in closing repeat that you must believe what I have said above, and try to do the will of the Father and the work that you have been selected to do. 
    Your brother in Christ, Lazarus