57. Jesus

You Must Soon Be Prepared To Take My Messages

.    I am here, Jesus;
    You are my own true brother and disciple. I come because you need me and my love, and I want to tell you that you are very near the kingdom. Your prayers have been heard and our Father has given you His love to a great degree. So you must soon be prepared to take my messages, for the time is getting ripe for the world to receive my gospel of love and peace. Men are now thinking deeply of spiritual things and want a gospel that will teach them the way to the truth and to God's love and their eternal happiness. So do not let the things of earth keep you from getting more of your Father's love and grace in your soul. Be steadfast in your faith and you will not want for anything that will enable you to become His true son and my own loving disciple in spreading the glorious tidings of joy and peace to mankind. Your love is now so great that you will soon be at one with your Father and receive from Him the outpouring of His love and the Pentecost of the Holy Spirit. Be a man who will not let anything of earth or heaven keep you from doing the work which I have set before you to do. I am your true helper and protector and you will not suffer for want of anything that will make you free and happy. Be more earnest in your efforts to obtain the great boon which your Father has promised to give you and you will not be disappointed.
    I am your true teacher and brother, and I want you to do my will as regards the teaching to mankind of the truths of the Father. I do not desire to tell you now of these things. I will in a short time and then you will know just what the truth is.
    I think this is the best place, though the place will not determine the best means of doing the work. I do not intend to restrict you to any place, only take the messages and publish them.
    You will also teach the truths by your daily conversations and example. It will make little difference to you where you are, for the spreading of my truths is the important thing.
    Yes, a church will be established and there will be many leaders of my new movement, and it will succeed and supplant all other beliefs in this hemisphere; I mean in the United States and other Protestant countries.
    God will eventually rule peoples lives through His love, for men will then seek His love and peace will be established in the earth. When my kingdom comes on earth I will reign in the hearts of men and women not as a ruler or as a sovereign lord, but as a Prince of Peace--the only son of the Father who was born without error. And all mankind will worship God in spirit and truth. War shall be no more, and swords shall be turned into pruning hooks and plowshares, and men shall know what peace and love for one another are.
    I will not desert you in your work and it will prosper. I know that certain churches, I mean the clergy and high officials, will fight my truths and teaching of them to humanity, but they will not succeed. I will prevail and mankind will be redeemed. All will bow down in earnest prayer and thanksgiving to their God, and His love will enter into their hearts and they will be at peace. Brothers will be brothers indeed, and the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man will be established, and all will serve their God.
    The Catholic church will eventually as an organization of political power and as a monster of error and a teacher of doctrines contrary to God's truths be utterly destroyed, and its followers will embrace the true teachings of my gospel. Many will not embrace these new teachings though until the last vestige of power of this great vampire has utterly disappeared. The priests will be shaken from their seats of power and will become men of no influence among the people, for my truths will destroy all the errors which they have preached and through fear caused their deluded followers to embrace and believe.
    So with my love and blessings, I am- 
    Your brother and teacher, Jesus